Sample modelling workflows - MATLAB
This is only a basic workflow for illustrative purposes, not an extensive reference document, nor even a polished “teaser”. Much work was done by the Matlab user base, but not (yet) published for an external audience.
Path setup
% Matlab SWIFT getting started vignette (last updated March 2018)
% Define the paths to the directories containing the SWIFT-Matlab functions
% We need to define a few locations
% In order to load the swift native library, matlab needs a C/C++ compiler.
% Matlab probably locates Visual Studio C/C++ compilers if you have installed them.
% if using mingw on windows you may need to set up an environment variable such as:
% On a Windows machine:
% Mapping drive from my laptop to bragg-w for convenience:
setenv('MW_MINGW64_LOC', 'C:/Users/username/prog/mingw-w64/x86_64-5.3.0-posix-seh-rt_v4-rev0/mingw64');
bindingsLocation = 'C:/Users/username/local/matlab'
localDir = 'C:/Users/username/local';
libs_dir = fullfile(localDir, 'libs/64');
For illustration, there are a few steps that would be expected on compute clusters, for instance Linux based:
% % Linux cluster additional steps
% % on a linux machine such as a Linux cluster:
% bindingsLocation = '/data/username/src/stash/swift/bindings/matlab';
% libs_dir = '/data/projects/hydroforecast/usr/local/lib';
% % on a Linux cluster due to Matlab coming coming with its own, which is problematic:
% prevenv = getenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH')
% newenv = strcat('/apps/netcdf/', ':', prevenv);
% setenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', newenv);
% % And we also need the following to really get rid of matlabs' own:
% loadlibrary('libnetcdf', '/apps/netcdf/')
Finally, specifyint to Matlab where matlab functions (refered to as bindings earlier) can be found:
addpath(fullfile(bindingsLocation, 'datatypes'));
addpath(fullfile(bindingsLocation, 'native'));
addpath(fullfile(bindingsLocation, 'interop'));
addpath(fullfile(bindingsLocation, 'external'));
Modelling workflow
% Basic modelling workflow
%% Load the native libraries for 'swift' and 'datatypes'
% initSwift('C:/Users/username/local/libs/64');
% Define the simulation period
simulationStart = datetime(1990, 1, 1);
simulationEnd = datetime(2005, 12, 31);
% Read in time series data from disk for rain and evap
tsRainData = transpose(csvread(strcat(bindingsLocation, '/tutorials/getting_started/data/rain.csv')));
tsRain = SimpleTimeSeries(simulationStart, 'daily', tsRainData, 'rain');
tsEvapData = transpose(csvread(strcat(bindingsLocation, '/tutorials/getting_started/data/evap.csv')));
tsEvap = SimpleTimeSeries(simulationStart, 'daily', tsEvapData, 'evap');
% Create a simple one subarea model simulation using GR4J
ms = createCatchment('GR4J', {'node1','node2'},{'node 1','node 2'},{'link1'},{'link 1'},{'node1'},{'node2'},1.0);
setSimulationTimeStep(ms, 'daily');
setSimulationSpan(ms, simulationStart, simulationEnd);
% Play rain and evap into model simulation
playInput(ms, {'subarea.link1.P'}, tsRainData, simulationStart, 'daily');
playInput(ms, {'subarea.link1.E'}, tsEvapData, simulationStart, 'daily');
% Query the model simulation
runoffModelIds = runoffModelIds();
gr4jModelVars = runoffModelVarIds('GR4J');
subareaIds = getSubareaIds(ms);
x4 = getStateValue(ms, {'subarea.link1.x4'});
% Record runoff
recordState(ms, {'subarea.link1.runoff'});
recordedVarNames = getRecordedVarNames(ms);
% Execute the model simulation
% Retrieve the recorded time series data
tsRunoffData = getRecorded(ms, 'subarea.link1.runoff');
tsRunoff = SimpleTimeSeries(simulationStart, 'daily', tsRunoffData, 'runoff');
% Read in time series data from disk for flow
tsFlowData = transpose(csvread(strcat(bindingsLocation, '/tutorials/getting_started/data/flow.csv')));
tsFlow = SimpleTimeSeries(simulationStart, 'daily', tsFlowData, 'flow');
% Replace no value flag values with nan
tsFlowData(tsFlowData < -1) = nan;
calibrationStart = datetime(1992, 1, 1);
setSimulationSpan(ms, calibrationStart, simulationEnd);
runoffId = 'subarea.link1.runoff';
objective = createObjective(ms, runoffId, tsFlow, 'NSE', calibrationStart, simulationEnd);
% Note that as of March 2018, the matlab bindings will retrieve error
% messages from the native library (instead of crashing...) on incorrect
% calls such as:
% execSimulation(objective)
% Configure parameter bounds for our GR4J calibration
pSpecGr4j = ParameterSet();
pSpecGr4j.AddParameter('subarea.link1.x1', 1, 1000, 542.1981111);
pSpecGr4j.AddParameter('subarea.link1.x2', -30, 30, -0.4127542);
pSpecGr4j.AddParameter('subarea.link1.x3', 1, 1000, 7.7403390);
pSpecGr4j.AddParameter('subarea.link1.x4', 1, 240, 1.2388548);
% Create a parameterizer
p = createParameterizer('generic', pSpecGr4j);
score = getScore(objective, p);
% Create a max runtime termination criteria
term = getMaxRuntimeTermination(0.005);
% Create a default SCE parameter structure
sceParams = getDefaultSceParameters();
% Create a population initializer
urs = createParameterSampler(0, p, 'urs');
% Construct an optimizer
optimizer = createSceOptimSwift(objective, term, sceParams, urs);
% Setup the calibration logger
setCalibrationLogger(optimizer, '');
% Calibrate the model
calibResults = executeOptimization(optimizer);
% Display the best objective score
bestResult = calibResults{1,2};
% Load the calibration log data in matlab
logData = loadCalibrationLogger(optimizer);
% Plot the evolution of all parameters