Installation: From source code

“cruise-control” (restricted link) contains detailed instructions for building and maintaining the software stack from source.

Few people have this need in practice, and within this pool of people, most will have a particular platform and preference in development tools, so it is moot to document prescriptive steps here for now. That said, the build pipelines that exist for various operating systems may be a basis for documenting this in the future. Pending user needs.


Installing hydroforecast packages in dev mode

To install instead in development mode, for some or all of the 4 packages:

set GITHUB_REPOS=c:\src
cd %GITHUB_REPOS%\pyrefcount
python develop
cd %GITHUB_REPOS%\c-interop\bindings\python\cinterop
python develop

cd %CSIRO_BITBUCKET%\datatypes\bindings\python\uchronia\
python develop
cd %CSIRO_BITBUCKET%\swift\bindings\python\swift2\
python develop
:: fogss...

Now to explore sample notebooks

mamba install -c conda-forge seaborn

cd %userprofile%\Documents
mkdir notebooks
xcopy %CSIRO_BITBUCKET%\swift\bindings\python\swift2\notebooks\* .\

jupyter-lab .

start with getting_started.ipynb

TODO: recommend using nbstripout and jupytext