Name |
datatypes |
datatypes::timeseries |
datatypes::exceptions Helper function to build consistent informative error messages in exceptions with commonalities. |
Name | |
struct | datatypes::timeseries::DefaultMissingValuePolicyTypeFactory |
class | datatypes::timeseries::TTimeSeries A template for univariate, single realisasion time series. |
class | datatypes::timeseries::MultiTimeSeries Template for time series with multiple values at time point; e.g. to hold multiple realizations of time series in an ensemble. |
struct | datatypes::timeseries::time_series_of |
struct | datatypes::timeseries::ensemble_of |
struct | datatypes::timeseries::item_type_of |
struct | datatypes::timeseries::CommonTypes Typical ensemble and time series data types derived from a fundamental data type for each data item. |
class | datatypes::timeseries::TimeSeriesOperations |
class | datatypes::timeseries::TimeWindow An object that represents a time window, defining subset/trim operations on time series. |
class | datatypes::exceptions::TimeSeriesChecks |
Source code¶
#pragma once
#include <iterator>
#include "boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp"
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include "datatypes/common.h"
#include "datatypes/time_step.h"
#include "datatypes/time_series_strategies.hpp"
#include "datatypes/exception_utilities.h"
#include "cinterop/common_c_interop.h"
using namespace boost::posix_time;
using namespace boost::gregorian;
using namespace datatypes::utils;
namespace datatypes
namespace timeseries
template <typename T>
struct DefaultMissingValuePolicyTypeFactory {
typedef typename IfThenElse<
DefaultMissingFloatingPointPolicy<T>>::ResultT type;
template <typename T>
MissingValuePolicy<T>* DefaultMissingValuePolicy()
using U = typename DefaultMissingValuePolicyTypeFactory<T>::type;
return new U();
template <typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_pointer<T>::value, MissingValuePolicy<T>*>
DefaultMissingValuePolicy() { return new NullPointerIsMissingPolicy<T>(); }
template <typename T>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_pointer<T>::value, MissingValuePolicy<T>*>
DefaultMissingValuePolicy() { return new DefaultMissingFloatingPointPolicy<T>(); }
template <typename T>
StoragePolicy<T>* DefaultStoragePolicy() { return new StlVectorStorage<T>(); }
template <typename T = double>
class TTimeSeries
using ElementType = T;
StoragePolicy<T>* storage = nullptr;
MissingValuePolicy<T>* mvp = nullptr;
void CheckConstructorReadonly()
if (this->storage->ReadOnly())
datatypes::exceptions::ExceptionUtilities::ThrowInvalidOperation("The storage for this time series is marked as read-only; there may be inconsistencies");
inline T GetNACode() const { return this->mvp->GetMissingValue(); }
inline bool IsMissingValue(const T& value) const { return this->mvp->IsMissingValue(value); }
inline T GetMissingValue() const { return this->mvp->GetMissingValue(); }
TTimeSeries(StoragePolicy<T>* storage = nullptr, MissingValuePolicy<T>* mvp = nullptr)
SetDefaults(storage, mvp);
if (!this->storage->ReadOnly())
Reset(0, not_a_date_time);
TTimeSeries(T default_value, size_t length, const ptime& startDate, const TimeStep& timeStep = TimeStep::GetHourly(), StoragePolicy<T>* storage = nullptr, MissingValuePolicy<T>* mvp = nullptr)
SetDefaults(storage, mvp);
Reset(length, startDate, default_value);
TTimeSeries(size_t length, const ptime& startDate, const TimeStep& timeStep = TimeStep::GetHourly(), StoragePolicy<T>* storage = nullptr, MissingValuePolicy<T>* mvp = nullptr)
SetDefaults(storage, mvp);
Reset(length, startDate, this->mvp->GetMissingValue());
TTimeSeries(const vector<T>& values, const ptime& startDate, const TimeStep& timeStep = TimeStep::GetHourly(), StoragePolicy<T>* storage = nullptr, MissingValuePolicy<T>* mvp = nullptr)
SetDefaults(storage, mvp);
Reset(values, startDate);
TTimeSeries(const T * values, size_t length, const ptime& startDate, const TimeStep& timeStep = TimeStep::GetHourly(), StoragePolicy<T>* storage = nullptr, MissingValuePolicy<T>* mvp = nullptr)
SetDefaults(storage, mvp);
Reset(length, startDate, values);
// This constructor is initially intended only as a convenience for testing purposes.
TTimeSeries(std::function<T(size_t)>& valueGen, size_t length, const ptime& startDate, const TimeStep& timeStep = TimeStep::GetHourly(), StoragePolicy<T>* storage = nullptr, MissingValuePolicy<T>* mvp = nullptr)
SetDefaults(storage, mvp);
vector<T> values(length);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
values[i] = valueGen(i);
Reset(values, startDate);
TTimeSeries(const TTimeSeries<T>& src) { // (Deep) Copy constructor.
*this = src;
TTimeSeries(const TTimeSeries<T>& src, StoragePolicy<T>* storage) { // (Deep) Copy constructor.
Tag = src.Tag;
mvp = src.mvp->Clone();
this->storage = (storage == nullptr) ? DefaultStoragePolicy<T>() : storage;>CopyTo(*(this->storage));
TTimeSeries(const TTimeSeries<T>* src) { // (Deep) Copy constructor.
*this = *src;
TTimeSeries(TTimeSeries<T>&& src) { // Move constructor.
*this = std::move(src);
TTimeSeries<T>& operator=(TTimeSeries<T>&& src){
// Avoid self assignment
if (&src == this){
return *this;
std::swap(Tag, src.Tag);
std::swap(mvp, src.mvp);
return *this;
TTimeSeries<T>& operator=(const TTimeSeries<T>& src)
if (&src == this){
return *this;
return *this;
virtual ~TTimeSeries()
if (storage != nullptr)
delete storage;
if (mvp != nullptr)
delete mvp;
T GetValueNoConst(const size_t& index)
if (index < 0 || index >= GetLength())
datatypes::exceptions::ExceptionUtilities::ThrowOutOfRange("Trying to access a time series value with an index outside of its bounds");
return storage->operator[](index);
const T& GetValueConst(const size_t& index) const {
if (index < 0 || index >= GetLength())
datatypes::exceptions::ExceptionUtilities::ThrowOutOfRange("Trying to access a time series value with an index outside of its bounds");
return storage->operator[](index);
T GetValue(const size_t& index)
return GetValueNoConst(index);
const T& GetValue(const size_t& index) const {
return GetValueConst(index);
T GetValueNoConst(const ptime& instant)
return GetValueNoConst(IndexForTime(instant));
T GetValue(const ptime& instant)
return GetValueNoConst(IndexForTime(instant));
const T& GetValue(const ptime& instant) const
const size_t index = IndexForTime(instant);
return GetValue(index);
T GetLastValue()
size_t length = GetLength();
if (length == 0)
datatypes::exceptions::ExceptionUtilities::ThrowOutOfRange("TimeSeries::GetLastValue cannot be called on an empty time series");
size_t index = length - 1;
return GetValue(index);
void CopyTo(T * dest, size_t from = 0, size_t to = -1) const
CheckIntervalBounds(from, to);
UncheckedCopyTo(dest, from, to);
void CopyWithMissingValueTo(T * dest, const T& missingValueValue, size_t from = 0, size_t to = -1) const
CheckIntervalBounds(from, to);
UncheckedCopyTo(dest, from, to, missingValueValue);
void CopyValues(const TTimeSeries<T>& src)
if (GetTimeStep() != src.GetTimeStep())
datatypes::exceptions::ExceptionUtilities::ThrowInvalidOperation("time series copy values is only for identical time steps");
size_t from = IndexForTime(src.GetStartDate());
size_t to = IndexForTime(src.GetEndDate());
CheckIntervalBounds(from, to);
for (size_t i = from; i <= to; i++)
T val = src.GetValue(i - from);
this->SetValue(i, (src.IsMissingValue(val) ? GetMissingValue() : val));
void CopyTo(vector<T>& dest, size_t from = 0, size_t to = -1) const
CheckIntervalBounds(from, to);
storage->CopyTo(dest, from, to);
T * GetValues(size_t from = 0, size_t to = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) const
CheckIntervalBounds(from, to);
size_t len = (to - from) + 1;
T * values = new T[len];
this->UncheckedCopyTo(values, from, to);
return values;
vector<T> GetValuesVector(size_t from = 0, size_t to = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) const
CheckIntervalBounds(from, to);
vector<T> values;
this->CopyTo(values, from, to);
return values;
TTimeSeries<T> Subset(size_t from = 0, size_t to = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) const
CheckIntervalBounds(from, to);
size_t len = (to - from) + 1;
T * values = GetValues(from, to);
// TODO: consider what to do with storage policy. MVP makes sense to keep the same.
auto res = TTimeSeries<T>(values, len, TimeForIndex(from), GetTimeStep(), nullptr, mvp->Clone());
delete[] values;
return res;
void SetValue(size_t index, T value)
storage->operator[](index) = value;
void SetValue(const ptime& instant, T value)
SetValue(IndexForTime(instant), value);
void Reset(size_t length, const ptime& startDate, const TimeStep& timeStep)
this->storage->Allocate(length, mvp->GetMissingValue());
void Reset(size_t length, const ptime& startDate, const T * values = nullptr)
if (values == nullptr)
this->storage->Allocate(length, mvp->GetMissingValue());
this->storage->AllocateValues(length, values);
void Reset(size_t length, const ptime& startDate, T value)
this->storage->Allocate(length, value);
void Reset(const vector<T>& values, const ptime& startDate)
void Reset(const vector<T>& values, const ptime& startDate, const TimeStep& timeStep)
size_t GetLength() const
return storage->Size();
ptime GetStartDate() const
return storage->GetStart();
ptime GetEndDate() const
size_t n = GetLength();
if (n == 0) return GetStartDate(); // what else?
return GetTimeStep().AddSteps(GetStartDate(), n-1);
TimeStep GetTimeStep() const
return storage->GetTimeStep();
void SetTimeStep(const TimeStep& timeStep)
void SetStartDate(const ptime& start)
ptime TimeForIndex(size_t timeIndex) const
return GetTimeStep().AddSteps(this->GetStartDate(), timeIndex);
vector<ptime> TimeIndices() const
auto tstep = GetTimeStep();
return tstep.AddSteps(this->GetStartDate(), SeqVec<double>(0, 1, GetLength()));
size_t IndexForTime(const ptime& instant) const {
return LowerIndexForTime(instant);
size_t UpperIndexForTime(const ptime& instant) const
auto uIndex = GetTimeStep().GetUpperNumSteps(GetStartDate(), instant) - 1;
datatypes::exceptions::ExceptionUtilities::CheckInRange<ptrdiff_t>(uIndex, 0, GetLength() - 1, "UpperIndexForTime");
return (size_t)uIndex;
size_t LowerIndexForTime(const ptime& instant) const
auto uIndex = GetTimeStep().GetNumSteps(GetStartDate(), instant) - 1;
datatypes::exceptions::ExceptionUtilities::CheckInRange<ptrdiff_t>(uIndex, 0, GetLength() - 1, "LowerIndexForTime");
return (size_t)uIndex;
string GetSummary() const
string result = "[" + to_iso_extended_string(GetStartDate()) + "/" + to_iso_extended_string(GetEndDate()) + "];length=" +
std::to_string(GetLength()) + ";time step=" + GetTimeStep().GetName();
return result;
T& operator[](const ptime& instant) {
return storage->operator[](IndexForTime(instant));
T& operator[](const size_t i) {
return storage->operator[](i);
const T& operator[](const ptime& instant) const {
return this->operator[](IndexForTime(instant));
const T& operator[](const size_t i) const {
return storage->operator[](i);
TTimeSeries<T> operator+(const TTimeSeries<T>& rhs) const
// TODO check geometry compatibility
T a, b;
T na = this->mvp->GetMissingValue();
size_t length = rhs.GetLength();
TTimeSeries<T> ts(na, length, GetStartDate(), GetTimeStep(), nullptr, mvp->Clone());
//ts.naCode = this->naCode;
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
a = this->operator[](i);
b = rhs.operator[](i);
if (IsMissingValue(a) || rhs.IsMissingValue(b))
ts.operator[](i) = ts.GetNACode();
ts.operator[](i) = a + b;
return ts;
TTimeSeries<T> operator+(T value) const
T a;
T na = this->mvp->GetMissingValue();
size_t length = this->GetLength();
TTimeSeries<T> ts(na, length, GetStartDate(), GetTimeStep(), nullptr, mvp->Clone());
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
a = this->operator[](i);
if (IsMissingValue(a))
ts.operator[](i) = ts.GetNACode();
ts.operator[](i) = a + value;
return ts;
template<typename M>
TTimeSeries<T> operator*(M multiplicator) const
T a;
TTimeSeries<T> ts(*this);
auto length = GetLength();
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
a = this->operator[](i);
if (IsMissingValue(a))
ts.operator[](i) = ts.GetNACode();
ts.operator[](i) = a * multiplicator;
return ts;
string Tag;
void CheckIntervalBounds(const size_t& from, size_t& to) const
size_t tsLen = this->GetLength();
datatypes::exceptions::RangeCheck<size_t>::CheckTimeSeriesInterval(from, to, tsLen);
void UncheckedCopyTo(T * dest, const size_t& from, const size_t& to) const
// The following is neat and safe but not portable...
//std::copy(data.begin() + from, data.begin() + to + 1, stdext::checked_array_iterator<T*>(dest, to - from + 1));
// so, looking potentially unsafe:
for (size_t i = from; i <= to; i++)
dest[i - from] = storage->operator[](i);
void UncheckedCopyTo(T * dest, const size_t& from, const size_t& to, const T& missingValue) const
for (size_t i = from; i <= to; i++)
T value = storage->operator[](i);
dest[i - from] = IsMissingValue(value) ? missingValue : value;
void DeepCopyFrom(const TTimeSeries<T>& src) {
Tag = src.Tag;
mvp = src.mvp->Clone();
if (storage == nullptr)
storage =>Clone();
//ptime startDate;
//TimeStep timeStep;
static std::atomic<int> instances;
void SetDefaults(StoragePolicy<T>* storage, MissingValuePolicy<T>* mvp)
this->mvp = (mvp != nullptr) ? mvp : DefaultMissingValuePolicy<T>();
this->storage = (storage != nullptr) ? storage : DefaultStoragePolicy<T>();
static int NumInstances() { return instances; };
//template <typename T, template <typename> class StP, template <typename> class MvP>
template <typename T>
std::atomic<int> TTimeSeries<T>::instances(0);
typedef TTimeSeries < double > TimeSeries;
template <typename TsType = TimeSeries>
class MultiTimeSeries // This may become an abstract class with specializations for lazy loading time series from the data store.
EnsembleStoragePolicy<TsType>* store = nullptr;
virtual void InitializeStorage()
if (store == nullptr)
store = new StdVectorEnsembleStoragePolicy<TsType>();
typedef typename std::remove_pointer<TsType>::type Type;
typedef typename std::add_pointer<Type>::type PtrType;
typedef TsType ItemType;
typedef typename Type::ElementType ElementType;
MultiTimeSeries(const vector<ElementType*>& values, size_t length, const ptime& startDate, const TimeStep& timeStep)
this->startDate = startDate;
this->timeStep = timeStep;
vector<PtrType> series;
for (auto& d : values)
series.push_back(new Type(d, length, startDate, timeStep));
store->Reset(series, startDate, timeStep);
MultiTimeSeries(const vector<vector<ElementType>>& values, const ptime& startDate, const TimeStep& timeStep)
this->startDate = startDate;
this->timeStep = timeStep;
vector<PtrType> series;
for (auto& d : values)
series.push_back(new Type(d, startDate, timeStep));
store->Reset(series, startDate, timeStep);
MultiTimeSeries(ElementType** const values, size_t ensSize, size_t length, const ptime& startDate, const TimeStep& timeStep)
this->startDate = startDate;
this->timeStep = timeStep;
vector<PtrType> series;
for (int i = 0; i < ensSize; i++)
series.push_back(new Type(values[i], length, startDate, timeStep));
store->Reset(series, startDate, timeStep);
MultiTimeSeries(const vector<PtrType>& values, const ptime& startDate, const TimeStep& timeStep)
this->startDate = startDate;
this->timeStep = timeStep;
store->Reset(values, startDate, timeStep);
MultiTimeSeries(const Type& series)
this->startDate = series.GetStartDate();
this->timeStep = series.GetTimeStep();
vector<PtrType> s;
s.push_back(new Type(series));
store->Reset(s, startDate, timeStep);
MultiTimeSeries(const vector<Type>& values, const ptime& startDate, const TimeStep& timeStep)
this->startDate = startDate;
this->timeStep = timeStep;
vector<PtrType> series;
for (const Type& d : values)
series.push_back(new Type(d));
store->Reset(series, startDate, timeStep);
// This constructor is initially intended only as a convenience for testing purposes.
MultiTimeSeries(std::function<Type(size_t)>& valueGen, size_t ensSize, const ptime& startDate, const TimeStep& timeStep)
this->startDate = startDate;
this->timeStep = timeStep;
vector<PtrType> series;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ensSize; i++)
series.push_back(new Type(valueGen(i)));
store->Reset(series, startDate, timeStep);
MultiTimeSeries(const MultiTimeSeries<TsType>& src)
*this = src;
MultiTimeSeries(EnsembleStoragePolicy<TsType>* store)
if (store == nullptr) datatypes::exceptions::ExceptionUtilities::ThrowInvalidArgument("store must not be nullptr");
this->store = store;
this->startDate = ptime(not_a_date_time);
this->timeStep = TimeStep::GetHourly();
MultiTimeSeries<PtrType>* AsPointerSeries()
return new MultiTimeSeries<PtrType>(store->AsReadonlyVector(), startDate, timeStep);
MultiTimeSeries<Type> AsValueSeries()
return MultiTimeSeries<Type>(store->AsReadonlyVector(), startDate, timeStep);
MultiTimeSeries& operator=(const MultiTimeSeries& src) {
if (&src == this) {
return *this;
return *this;
MultiTimeSeries& operator=(MultiTimeSeries&& src) {
if (&src == this) {
return *this;
std::swap(timeStep, src.timeStep);
std::swap(startDate, src.startDate);
return *this;
void ResetSeries(const size_t& numSeries, const size_t& lengthSeries, const ptime& startDate, const TimeStep& timeStep)
store->ResetSeries(numSeries, lengthSeries, startDate, timeStep);
this->startDate = startDate;
this->timeStep = timeStep;
TsType Get(size_t i)
return store->Get(i);
Type Get(size_t i) const
return store->Get(i);
ElementType Get(size_t i, size_t tsIndex)
return store->Get(i, tsIndex);
void Set(size_t i, size_t tsIndex, ElementType val)
store->Set(i, tsIndex, val);
void Set(size_t i, const Type& val)
store->Set(i, val);
vector<ElementType*>* GetValues() const
return store->GetValues();
void CopyTo(ElementType ** dest) const
size_t Size() const
return store->Size();
size_t GetLength(size_t i) const
return store->GetLength(i);
ptime GetStartDate() const
return startDate;
void SetStartDate(const ptime& start)
startDate = start;
TimeStep GetTimeStep() const
return timeStep;
void Clear()
if (store == nullptr)
ptime startDate;
TimeStep timeStep;
void DeepCopyFrom(const MultiTimeSeries<TsType>& src)
this->startDate = src.startDate;
this->timeStep = src.timeStep;
if (store == nullptr)
store =>Clone();
*( = (*(this->store));
virtual void OperatorEqualImpl(const MultiTimeSeries<TsType>& src)
template<typename T>
struct time_series_of
typedef TTimeSeries<T> type;
template<typename T>
struct ensemble_of
typedef MultiTimeSeries<T> type;
template<typename T>
struct item_type_of
typedef typename T::ElementType type;
template<typename ElementType=double>
struct CommonTypes
using SeriesType = typename time_series_of<ElementType>::type;
using PtrSeriesType = typename std::add_pointer<SeriesType>::type;
using EnsembleType = typename ensemble_of<SeriesType>::type;
using EnsemblePtrType = typename ensemble_of<PtrSeriesType>::type;
using PtrEnsemblePtrType = typename std::add_pointer<EnsemblePtrType>::type;
using TSeriesEnsemblePtrType = typename time_series_of<PtrEnsemblePtrType>::type;
using PtrTSeriesEnsemblePtrType = typename std::add_pointer<TSeriesEnsemblePtrType>::type;
template <typename ItemType>
using PointerTypeTimeSeries = TTimeSeries < ItemType* > ;
template <typename Tts = TimeSeries>
using MultiTimeSeriesPtr = MultiTimeSeries < Tts* > ;
template <typename Tts = TimeSeries>
using ForecastTimeSeries = PointerTypeTimeSeries < Tts >;
template <typename Tts = TimeSeries>
using TimeSeriesEnsemble = MultiTimeSeriesPtr < Tts >;
template <typename Tts = TimeSeries>
using EnsembleForecastTimeSeries = PointerTypeTimeSeries < MultiTimeSeriesPtr<Tts> > ;
template <typename Tts = TimeSeries>
class TimeSeriesOperations
using ElementType = typename Tts::ElementType;
using SeriesType = typename CommonTypes<ElementType>::SeriesType;
using PtrSeriesType = typename CommonTypes<ElementType>::PtrSeriesType;
using EnsembleType = typename CommonTypes<ElementType>::EnsembleType;
using EnsemblePtrType = typename CommonTypes<ElementType>::EnsemblePtrType;
using PtrEnsemblePtrType = typename CommonTypes<ElementType>::PtrEnsemblePtrType;
using TSeriesEnsemblePtrType = typename CommonTypes<ElementType>::TSeriesEnsemblePtrType;
using PtrTSeriesEnsemblePtrType = typename CommonTypes<ElementType>::PtrTSeriesEnsemblePtrType;
static PtrSeriesType TrimTimeSeries(const SeriesType& timeSeries, const ptime& startDate, const ptime& endDate)
ptime sd = timeSeries.GetStartDate();
ptime ed = timeSeries.GetEndDate();
size_t sIndex = timeSeries.UpperIndexForTime(startDate);
size_t eIndex = timeSeries.LowerIndexForTime(endDate);
return new SeriesType(timeSeries.Subset(sIndex, eIndex));
static PtrSeriesType Resample(const SeriesType& timeSeries, const string& method)
using namespace boost::algorithm;
string m = method;
if (m == "")
return new TimeSeries(timeSeries);
else if (m == "daily_to_hourly")
return DailyToHourly(timeSeries);
datatypes::exceptions::ExceptionUtilities::ThrowInvalidArgument("Time series resampling method not known: " + method);
return nullptr;
static PtrSeriesType DailyToHourly(const SeriesType& dailyTimeSeries)
using T = typename SeriesType::ElementType;
size_t length = dailyTimeSeries.GetLength();
T * data = new T[length * 24];
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < 24; j++)
data[(i * 24) + j] = (dailyTimeSeries[i] / 24);
PtrSeriesType result = new SeriesType(data, length * 24, dailyTimeSeries.GetStartDate());
delete[] data;
return result;
static PtrSeriesType JoinTimeSeries(const SeriesType& head, const SeriesType& tail)
using T = typename SeriesType::ElementType;
ptime startDate = head.GetStartDate();
size_t headLength = head.GetLength();
size_t tailLength = tail.GetLength();
size_t length = headLength + tailLength;
T * data = new T[length];
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (i < headLength)
data[i] = head[i];
data[i] = tail[i - headLength];
PtrSeriesType result = new SeriesType(data, length, startDate);
delete[] data;
return result;
static SeriesType AggregateTimeStep(const SeriesType& series, const string& argument) {
using sec_type = boost::posix_time::time_duration::sec_type;
auto newTimeStep = TimeStep::Parse(argument);
sec_type deltaNew = newTimeStep.GetRegularStepDuration().total_seconds();
sec_type delta = series.GetTimeStep().GetRegularStepDuration().total_seconds();
if (deltaNew < delta)
throw std::logic_error("Cannot aggregate to a target time step finer than data source");
sec_type remainder = deltaNew %delta;
if (remainder != 0)
throw std::logic_error("Aggregate: target time step must be a multiple of the starting time step");
sec_type multiple = deltaNew / delta;
size_t targetSize = series.GetLength() / multiple;
if (targetSize < 1)
throw std::logic_error("Aggregate: source lenght too short to aggregate");
SeriesType newTs(0.0, targetSize, series.TimeForIndex(multiple-1), newTimeStep);
for (size_t i = 0; i < targetSize; i++)
double accumulated = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < multiple; j++)
auto val = series.GetValue(i * multiple + j);
if (series.IsMissingValue(val))
newTs.SetValue(i, newTs.GetMissingValue());
accumulated = .0;
accumulated += val;
newTs.SetValue(i, accumulated);
accumulated = .0;
return newTs;
static SeriesType DisaggregateTimeStep(const SeriesType& series, const string& argument) {
using sec_type = boost::posix_time::time_duration::sec_type;
TimeStep newTimeStep = TimeStep::Parse(argument);
sec_type deltaNew = newTimeStep.GetRegularStepDuration().total_seconds();
sec_type delta = series.GetTimeStep().GetRegularStepDuration().total_seconds();
if (deltaNew > delta)
throw std::logic_error("Cannot disaggregate to a target time step coarser than data source");
sec_type remainder = delta % deltaNew;
if (remainder != 0)
throw std::logic_error("Disaggregate: the starting time step must be a multiple of the target time step");
sec_type multiple_sc = delta / deltaNew;
// NOTE: I had changed from sec_type to size_t because of a compilation issue with gcc 8.3.0 (??), but this breaks the UT on calling AddSteps
size_t multiple = (size_t)multiple_sc;
size_t srcSize = series.GetLength();
size_t targetSize = series.GetLength() * multiple;
if (targetSize < 1)
throw std::logic_error("Disaggregate: source lengh is too short to aggregate");
ptime newStartDate = newTimeStep.AddSteps(series.GetStartDate(), -( ((double)multiple) - 1));
SeriesType newTs(0.0, targetSize, newStartDate, newTimeStep);
for (size_t i = 0; i < srcSize; i++)
auto val = series.GetValue(i);
for (size_t j = 0; j < multiple; j++)
if (series.IsMissingValue(val))
newTs.SetValue(i * multiple + j, newTs.GetMissingValue());
newTs.SetValue(i * multiple + j, val / multiple);
return newTs;
static void AggregateTimeStep(SeriesType& series, const string& argument) {
series = AggregateTimeStep((const SeriesType&)series, argument);
static void DisaggregateTimeStep(SeriesType& series, const string& argument) {
series = DisaggregateTimeStep((const SeriesType&)series, argument);
static void TransformEachItem(TSeriesEnsemblePtrType& efts, const string& method, const string& methodArgument)
if (method == string("accumulate"))
auto n = efts.GetLength();
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
PtrEnsemblePtrType item = efts.GetValue(i);
EnsemblePtrType& y = *item;
for (size_t j = 0; j < y.Size(); j++)
PtrSeriesType t = y.Get(j);
AggregateTimeStep(*t, methodArgument);
if (j == 0) y.SetStartDate(t->GetStartDate());
else if (method == string("disaggregate"))
auto n = efts.GetLength();
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
PtrEnsemblePtrType item = efts.GetValue(i);
EnsemblePtrType& y = *item;
for (size_t j = 0; j < y.Size(); j++)
PtrSeriesType t = y.Get(j);
DisaggregateTimeStep(*t, methodArgument);
if (j == 0) y.SetStartDate(t->GetStartDate());
throw std::logic_error("TransformEachItem is limited to 'accumulate' or 'disaggregate'");
static const PtrEnsemblePtrType& GetEnsemble(const TSeriesEnsemblePtrType& ensTs, size_t index = 0)
using datatypes::exceptions::ExceptionUtilities;
if (ensTs.GetLength() == 0) ExceptionUtilities::ThrowInvalidArgument("ensemble time series is of length zero");
ExceptionUtilities::CheckInRange<size_t>(index, 0, ensTs.GetLength(), "index");
const PtrEnsemblePtrType& ens = ensTs.GetValue(index);
//if (ens->Size() == 0) ExceptionUtilities::ThrowInvalidArgument("ensemble is of size zero");
return ens;
static ptime GetStart(const TSeriesEnsemblePtrType& ensTs, size_t index = 0)
auto ens = GetEnsemble(ensTs, index);
return ens->GetStartDate();
static ptime GetEnd(const TSeriesEnsemblePtrType& ensTs, size_t index = 0)
auto ens = GetEnsemble(ensTs, index);
return ens->Get(0)->GetEndDate();
static void CreateForecast(TSeriesEnsemblePtrType& forecast, const SeriesType& observations, const ptime& start, size_t length, const TimeStep& issueTimeStep, size_t leadTime, size_t offsetForecasts)
forecast.Reset(length, start, issueTimeStep);
TimeStep obsTstep = observations.GetTimeStep();
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
// Index in the observation time series corresponding to the forecast issue time 'i'
size_t obsIndex = observations.IndexForTime(issueTimeStep.AddSteps(start, i));
size_t from = obsIndex + offsetForecasts;
size_t to = from + (leadTime-1);
SeriesType fcast = observations.Subset(from, to);
EnsemblePtrType* mts = new EnsemblePtrType(fcast);
forecast.SetValue(i, mts);
static TSeriesEnsemblePtrType* CreateForecastPtr(const SeriesType& observations, const ptime& start, size_t length, const TimeStep& issueTimeStep, size_t leadTime, size_t offsetForecasts)
TSeriesEnsemblePtrType* forecast = new TSeriesEnsemblePtrType(length, start, issueTimeStep);
CreateForecast(*forecast, observations, start, length, issueTimeStep, leadTime, offsetForecasts);
return forecast;
static TSeriesEnsemblePtrType CreateForecast(const SeriesType& observations, const ptime& start, size_t length, const TimeStep& issueTimeStep, size_t leadTime, size_t offsetForecasts)
TSeriesEnsemblePtrType forecast;
CreateForecast(forecast, observations, start, length, issueTimeStep, leadTime, offsetForecasts);
return forecast;
template<typename U>
static bool AreEqual(const SeriesType& a, const U& b, bool strict = false, double tolerance = 1e-12)
size_t lengthA = a.GetLength();
for (size_t i = 0; i < lengthA; i++)
auto valA = a[i];
if (strict && (valA != b))
return false;
else if (std::abs(valA - b) > tolerance)
return false;
return true;
static bool AreTimeSeriesEqual(const SeriesType& a, const SeriesType& b, bool strict = false, double tolerance = 1e-12)
ptime startA = a.GetStartDate();
ptime startB = b.GetStartDate();
if (startA != startB)
return false;
ptime endA = a.GetEndDate();
ptime endB = b.GetEndDate();
if (endA != endB)
return false;
size_t lengthA = a.GetLength();
size_t lengthB = b.GetLength();
if (lengthA != lengthB)
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < lengthA; i++)
auto valA = a[i];
auto valB = b[i];
if (strict && (valA != valB))
return false;
else if (std::abs(valA - valB) > tolerance)
return false;
return true;
static bool AreTimeSeriesEqual(const SeriesType& a, const SeriesType& b, const ptime& from, const ptime& to, bool strict = false, double tolerance = 1e-12)
TimeStep ta = a.GetTimeStep();
TimeStep tb = b.GetTimeStep();
if (ta != tb)
return false;
auto n = ta.GetNumSteps(from, to);
if (n < 0)
return false;
size_t s = (size_t)n;
auto offsetA = a.IndexForTime(from);
auto offsetB = b.IndexForTime(from);
for (size_t i = 0; i < s; i++)
auto valA = a[i + offsetA];
auto valB = b[i + offsetB];
if (strict && (valA != valB))
return false;
else if (std::abs(valA - valB) > tolerance)
return false;
return true;
static bool AreValueEqual(const SeriesType& a, const vector<ElementType>& b, size_t from = 0, size_t to = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), bool strict = false, double tolerance = 1e-12)
vector<ElementType> v = a.GetValuesVector(from, to);
if (v.size() != b.size())
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
auto valA = v[i];
auto valB = b[i];
if (strict && (valA != valB))
return false;
else if (std::abs(valA - valB) > tolerance)
return false;
return true;
static bool AreEnsembleTimeSeriesEqual(EnsemblePtrType& a, EnsemblePtrType& b)
size_t lengthA = a.Size();
size_t lengthB = b.Size();
if (lengthA != lengthB)
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < lengthA; i++)
auto valA = a.Get(i);
auto valB = b.Get(i);
if (!AreTimeSeriesEqual(*valA, *valB))
return false;
return true;
static bool AreEnsembleTimeSeriesEqual(EnsembleType& a, EnsembleType& b)
size_t lengthA = a.Size();
size_t lengthB = b.Size();
if (lengthA != lengthB)
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < lengthA; i++)
auto valA = a.Get(i);
auto valB = b.Get(i);
if (!AreTimeSeriesEqual(valA, valB))
return false;
return true;
static bool AreTimeSeriesEnsembleTimeSeriesEqual(TSeriesEnsemblePtrType& a, TSeriesEnsemblePtrType& b)
size_t lengthA = a.GetLength();
size_t lengthB = b.GetLength();
if (lengthA != lengthB)
return false;
ptime startA = a.GetStartDate();
ptime startB = b.GetStartDate();
if (startA != startB)
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < lengthA; i++)
auto valA = a.GetValue(i);
auto valB = b.GetValue(i);
if (!AreEnsembleTimeSeriesEqual(*valA, *valB))
return false;
return true;
template <typename T = typename Tts::ElementType>
static PtrSeriesType MaskTimeSeries(const SeriesType& timeSeries, const ptime& start, const ptime& end, T maskValue)
if (start < timeSeries.GetStartDate())
datatypes::exceptions::ExceptionUtilities::ThrowInvalidArgument("start needs to be greater than time series start");
if (end > timeSeries.GetEndDate())
datatypes::exceptions::ExceptionUtilities::ThrowInvalidArgument("end needs to be less than time series end");
size_t sIndex = timeSeries.UpperIndexForTime(start);
size_t eIndex = timeSeries.LowerIndexForTime(end);
size_t len = timeSeries.GetLength();
double* d = new double[len];
timeSeries.CopyTo(d, 0, len - 1);
for (size_t i = sIndex; i <= eIndex; i++)
d[i] = maskValue;
PtrSeriesType result = new SeriesType(d, len, timeSeries.GetStartDate(), timeSeries.GetTimeStep());
delete[] d;
return result;
template <typename T>
TTimeSeries<T> operator<<(const TTimeSeries<T>& a, const TTimeSeries<T>& b) {
using TsOps = TimeSeriesOperations<TTimeSeries<T>>;
if (a.GetTimeStep() != b.GetTimeStep()) // TODO: this is a minimum requirement
datatypes::exceptions::ExceptionUtilities::ThrowNotSupported("operator<< requires identical time steps");
auto s = std::min(a.GetStartDate(), b.GetStartDate());
auto e = std::max(a.GetEndDate(), b.GetEndDate());
auto tstep = a.GetTimeStep();
auto length = tstep.GetNumSteps(s, e);
TTimeSeries<T> result(length, s, tstep);
return result;
template <typename Tts = TimeSeries>
class TimeWindow
TimeWindow(const ptime& startDate, const ptime& endDate)
this->startDate = startDate;
this->endDate = endDate;
Tts* Trim(const Tts& timeSeries) const
return TimeSeriesOperations<Tts>::TrimTimeSeries(timeSeries, startDate, endDate);
ptime startDate;
ptime endDate;
Below are implementations of the template code; they would normally be found in a .cpp file, but as
templates putting them here makes it more reusable from other programs.
namespace exceptions
class DATATYPES_DLL_LIB TimeSeriesChecks
static void CheckOutOfRange(const string& msg, const datatypes::timeseries::TimeSeries& ts, const ptime& d);
Updated on 2022-08-21 at 18:10:33 +1000