Sample code for log-likelihood calibration¶
from swift2.parameteriser import concatenate_parameterisers, create_parameteriser, extract_optimisation_log, parameteriser_as_dataframe, sort_by_score
from swift2.simulation import create_subarea
from swift2.utils import c, mk_full_data_id, paste0
from swift2.parameteriser import create_parameteriser, create_parameter_sampler, create_sce_termination_wila, get_default_sce_parameters
from swift2.doc_helper import get_free_params, sample_series, set_loglik_param_keys
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from swift2.vis import OptimisationPlots
import xarray as xr
from cinterop.timeseries import as_timestamp
s = as_timestamp('1990-01-01')
e = as_timestamp('2005-12-31')
rain = sample_series('MMH', 'rain')[slice(s, e)]
evap = sample_series('MMH', 'evap')[slice(s, e)]
flow = sample_series('MMH', 'flow')[slice(s, e)]
count 5844.000000 mean 3.545405 std 7.737554 min 0.000000 25% 0.000000 50% 0.283600 75% 3.308775 max 97.645500 dtype: float64
count 5844.000000 mean -1.993059 std 16.361702 min -99.999000 25% 0.194400 50% 0.438400 75% 0.900200 max 17.221100 dtype: float64
We need to adjust the observed flow, as the SWIFTv1 legacy missing value code is -99
flow[flow < 0] = np.nan
1990-01-01 0.2577 1990-01-02 0.2459 1990-01-03 0.2374 1990-01-04 0.2218 1990-01-05 0.2127 ... 2005-12-27 0.3477 2005-12-28 0.3314 2005-12-29 0.3333 2005-12-30 0.3066 2005-12-31 0.2896 Length: 5844, dtype: float64
Catchment setup¶
Let's create a single catchment setup, using daily data. We need to specify the simulation time step to be consistent with the daily input data.
ms = create_subarea('GR4J', 1.0)
from cinterop.timeseries import xr_ts_start, xr_ts_end
s = xr_ts_start(rain)
e = xr_ts_end(rain)
ms.set_simulation_span(s, e)
Assign input time series
sa_name = ms.get_subarea_names()[0]
ms.play_subarea_input(rain, sa_name, "P")
ms.play_subarea_input(evap, sa_name, "E")
Model variables identifiers are hierarchical, with separators '.' and '|' supported. The "dot" notation should now be preferred, as some R functions producing data frames may change the variable names and replace some characters with '.'.
sa_id = paste0("subarea.", sa_name)
root_id = paste0(sa_id, ".")
['subarea.Subarea.areaKm2', 'subarea.Subarea.P', 'subarea.Subarea.E', 'subarea.Subarea.runoff', 'subarea.Subarea.S', 'subarea.Subarea.R', 'subarea.Subarea.Ps', 'subarea.Subarea.Es', 'subarea.Subarea.Pr', 'subarea.Subarea.ech1', 'subarea.Subarea.ech2', 'subarea.Subarea.Perc', 'subarea.Subarea.x1', 'subarea.Subarea.x2', 'subarea.Subarea.x3', 'subarea.Subarea.x4', 'subarea.Subarea.UHExponent', 'subarea.Subarea.PercFactor', 'subarea.Subarea.OutflowVolume', 'subarea.Subarea.OutflowRate']
gr4_state_names = paste0(root_id, c('runoff', 'S', 'R', 'Perc'))
for name in gr4_state_names:
Let's check that one simulation runs fine, before we build a calibration definition.
sState = ms.get_recorded(gr4_state_names[2])
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f55b7799730>]
Let's build the objective calculator that will guide the calibration process:
w = pd.Timestamp("1992-01-01")
runoff_depth_varname = 'subarea.Subarea.runoff'
mod_runoff = ms.get_recorded(runoff_depth_varname)
# zoo::index(flow) = zoo::index(mod_runoff)
objective = ms.create_objective(runoff_depth_varname, flow, 'log-likelihood', w, e)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f55af5ec5b0>]
Define the feasible parameter space, using a generic parameter set for the model parameters. This is 'wrapped' by a log-likelihood parameter set with the extra parameters used in the log likelihood calculation, but which exposes all the parameters as 8 independent degrees of freedom to the optimiser.
pspec_gr4j = get_free_params('GR4J')
pspec_gr4j.Value = c(542.1981111, -0.4127542, 7.7403390, 1.2388548)
pspec_gr4j.Min = c(1,-30, 1,1)
pspec_gr4j.Max = c(3000, 30, 1000, 240)
pspec_gr4j.Name = paste0(root_id, pspec_gr4j.Name)
maxobs = np.max(flow)
p = create_parameteriser(type='Generic', specs=pspec_gr4j)
set_loglik_param_keys(a='a', b='b', m='m', s='s', ct="ct", censopt='censopt')
censor_threshold = maxobs / 100 # TBC
censopt = 0.0
loglik = create_parameteriser(type='no apply')
"Name": c('b','m','s','a','maxobs','ct', 'censopt'),
"Min": c(-30, 0, 1, -30, maxobs, censor_threshold, censopt),
"Max": c(0, 0, 1000, 1, maxobs, censor_threshold, censopt),
"Value": c(-7, 0, 100, -10, maxobs, censor_threshold, censopt),
) )
p = concatenate_parameterisers(p, loglik)
Name | Value | Min | Max | |
0 | subarea.Subarea.x1 | 542.198111 | 1.000000 | 3000.000000 |
1 | subarea.Subarea.x2 | -0.412754 | -30.000000 | 30.000000 |
2 | subarea.Subarea.x3 | 7.740339 | 1.000000 | 1000.000000 |
3 | subarea.Subarea.x4 | 1.238855 | 1.000000 | 240.000000 |
4 | b | -7.000000 | -30.000000 | 0.000000 |
5 | m | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
6 | s | 100.000000 | 1.000000 | 1000.000000 |
7 | a | -10.000000 | -30.000000 | 1.000000 |
8 | maxobs | 17.221100 | 17.221100 | 17.221100 |
9 | ct | 0.172211 | 0.172211 | 0.172211 |
10 | censopt | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
Check that the objective calculator works, at least with the default values in the feasible parameter space:
score = objective.get_score(p)
{'scores': {'Log-likelihood': -373767.46492496354}, 'sysconfig': Name Value Min Max 0 subarea.Subarea.x1 542.198111 1.000000 3000.000000 1 subarea.Subarea.x2 -0.412754 -30.000000 30.000000 2 subarea.Subarea.x3 7.740339 1.000000 1000.000000 3 subarea.Subarea.x4 1.238855 1.000000 240.000000 4 b -7.000000 -30.000000 0.000000 5 m 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 6 s 100.000000 1.000000 1000.000000 7 a -10.000000 -30.000000 1.000000 8 maxobs 17.221100 17.221100 17.221100 9 ct 0.172211 0.172211 0.172211 10 censopt 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000}
mod_runoff = ms.get_recorded(runoff_depth_varname)
from swift2.vis import plot_two_series
plot_two_series(flow, mod_runoff, ylab="obs/mod runoff", start_time = "2000-01-01", end_time = "2002-12-31", names=['observed','modelled'])
Build the optimiser definition, instrument with a logger.
# term = getMaxRuntimeTermination(max_hours = 0.3/60) # ~20 second appears enough with SWIFT binaries in Release mode
# term = getMarginalTermination(tolerance = 1e-06, cutoff_no_improvement = 10, max_hours = 0.3/60)
term = create_sce_termination_wila('relative standard deviation', c('0.005',str(1/60)))
sce_params = get_default_sce_parameters()
urs = create_parameter_sampler(0, p, 'urs')
optimiser = objective.create_sce_optim_swift(term, sce_params, urs)
calib_logger = optimiser.set_calibration_logger('')
calib_results = optimiser.execute_optimisation()
CPU times: user 2min 28s, sys: 824 ms, total: 2min 29s Wall time: 29.5 s
opt_log = extract_optimisation_log(optimiser, fitness_name = 'Log-likelihood')
geom_ops = opt_log.subset_by_message(pattern= 'Initial.*|Reflec.*|Contrac.*|Add.*')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ll_max = max(geom_ops._data['Log-likelihood'].values)
ll_min = np.median(geom_ops._data['Log-likelihood'].values)
Parameter plots¶
p_var_ids = p.as_dataframe().Name.values
v = OptimisationPlots(geom_ops)
for pVar in p_var_ids:
g = v.parameter_evolution(pVar, obj_lims=[ll_min, ll_max])
Finally, get a visual of the runoff time series with the best known parameter set (the penultimate entry in the data frame with the log of the calibration process).
sortedResults = sort_by_score(calib_results, 'Log-likelihood')
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
Log-likelihood | 3345.590909 | 3345.441572 | 3344.701720 | 3344.695334 | 3344.662174 |
subarea.Subarea.x1 | 104.759827 | 103.692024 | 103.117646 | 102.709046 | 103.336997 |
subarea.Subarea.x2 | -29.885853 | -29.970468 | -29.956270 | -29.932794 | -29.930185 |
subarea.Subarea.x3 | 757.359331 | 754.030607 | 755.337493 | 754.940421 | 754.703053 |
subarea.Subarea.x4 | 1.001295 | 1.001934 | 1.002566 | 1.001787 | 1.002196 |
b | -1.860598 | -1.782860 | -1.936318 | -1.834915 | -1.876361 |
m | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
s | 1.200191 | 1.131335 | 1.282491 | 1.180318 | 1.209338 |
a | -10.214940 | -10.155087 | -10.362628 | -10.169567 | -10.199336 |
maxobs | 17.221100 | 17.221100 | 17.221100 | 17.221100 | 17.221100 |
ct | 0.172211 | 0.172211 | 0.172211 | 0.172211 | 0.172211 |
censopt | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
best_pset = calib_results.get_best_score('Log-likelihood').parameteriser
mod_runoff = ms.get_recorded(runoff_depth_varname)
# joki::plot_two_series(flow, mod_runoff, ylab="obs/mod runoff", startTime = start(flow), endTime = end(flow))
<xarray.DataArray (variable_identifiers: 1, ensemble: 1, time: 5844)> array([[[0. , 0. , 0. , ..., 0.39889484, 0.39177446, 0.38486137]]]) Coordinates: * ensemble (ensemble) int64 0 * time (time) datetime64[ns] 1990-01-01 ... 2005-12-31 * variable_identifiers (variable_identifiers) object 'subarea.Subarea.runoff'
mod_runoff.squeeze(drop=True).sel(time=slice(e - pd.offsets.DateOffset(years=1), e)).plot(figsize=(16,9))
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f55a0cccb80>]
plot_two_series(flow, mod_runoff, ylab="obs/mod runoff", start_time = "2000-01-01", end_time = "2002-12-31", names=['observed','modelled'])